Vikki’s on the phone with Billy. Oh what an excellent Uncle he is for putting Christian on the phone with his Dad. Exchanging I love you’s, she tells Billy to get some sleep then is surprised to find her parents and Nate in the office. Keep this good news under wraps and continue to protect the company and Christian, Victor asks. Vikki will follow his lead.
Billy leans over to open Vikki’s drawer and take one of her sleeping pills. Then it’s lights out and eyes closed.
Over wine, Lola and Kyle continue to discuss Celeste. The wedding will happen and be great no matter what, Lola’s sure. She’s then stunned that Kyle was serious about her being responsible for planning the honeymoon while he planned the wedding. I was really supposed to do that?
Chelsea thanks Darryl for coming all this way. Look after yourself, he doesn’t need to be shown the way out – I’ll find my way. How are you doing? Nick asks. Everything’s crashing in at once on Chelsea – this doesn’t feel right and she doesn’t know why.
While Nate and Victor are off discussing his treatment, Vikki updates Nikki on Christian’s dream. She couldn’t do any of this without Billy at her side.
Billy awakens, panting and sweating on the floor at the dark and gloomy Chancellor Estate.
Looking out the window, Billy gasp – my car – what’s going on? He then looks at the writing on the wall (literally) The word ‘stop’ now appears before the word ‘Adam’.
Nick would have done the same for us, Vikki’s sure – and three kids aren’t much more work than two. Nikki knows that’s not exactly true and will be over soon to give Vikki a break. They then worry about the kids seeing the video of Nick online (thanks to the evil Adam) We’ll be there for him – he won’t be alone, Nikki asserts.
Nick wonders if Chelsea’s strong ‘fight or flight’ mode is kicking in – a lot has changed for you. Yes, five million is a lot – maybe that’s why she’s freaking out. You can do whatever you want now, Nick thinks that might be scary.
Kyle’s just teasing – what would Lola want to do on their honeymoon? Snorkelling – fishing – she’d cook their catch on the beach – then snuggling under a blanket beneath the stars. Something like this? Kyle pulls out his phone to show her their honeymoon destination. Lola loves it ~kiss~