Tuesday, February 12th, 2019

Abby laughs at the suggestion that they get married underwater. You can’t be serious – that’s a hard ‘no’. She appreciates Arturo trying to distract her from her family’s problems. Dad said we should go to the party tonight; continue to enjoy our lives ~kiss~

It was all a lie – Rey can’t fight for a relationship that’s based on a lie. Sharon doesn’t think turning to her will heal his pain – we’re friends – I wished you and Mia the best at your wedding. Rey owes it to himself to seek the love he deserves. Yes, with Sharon.

A desperate Mia calls Lola (who, still at Jack’s, refuses to help. Rey will call when he wants to) Mia hangs up, picks up a magazine – glares at the photo of a smiling Abby and throws it to the ground.

Rolling her eyes over Mia, Lola apologizes to Jack (who notes she’s protective of her brother. Yes, like he’s protective of Kyle) You have to be willing to fight for true love, not call it quits at the first sign of trouble. How do I know you’re not going to hurt my son again?

THIS isn’t my girlfriend, Kyle informs Top-hat Guy as he declines a cozy and romantic sleigh ride. Summer asks for a quick word. A sleigh ride might do him good; clear his head. A friendly sleigh ride, Summer agrees – what could happen? Giddyup, Kyle chuckles – but looks sad as a giddy Summer puts on her coat.

Jack and Lola want the same thing; Kyle’s happiness. This is my first serious relationship, Lola admits – she just wants a second chance. Jack gives her the address to the cabin. Go! he’s left smiling when she scurries out.

Charlie did the graphics and editing – he and Mattie narrate the story she wrote of a young Princess and a dashing Prince from Australia. Their love grew and grew – it wasn’t always easy but the Prince and Princess stood by each other; with the help of Fairy Godmother, Mackenzie, they had Prince Charlie and Princess Mattie. As the presentation ends with a smiling family photo, Cane breaks down.

Sharon’s level-headed and reasonable as Rey insists she made him feel something he never felt before. I was attracted to you too, Sharon admits. It’s more than that – I love you, Rey repeats. Do you feel the same way? You know that I do. Say it, Rey coerces. I love you, Sharon sniffles.

Abby’s declining Arturo’s crazy wedding ideas when Lola arrives at Dark Horse dirty from trying to fix her food truck. She needs to borrow Arturo’s truck to get to the cabin to tell Kyle that she loves him. You’re not going to stand in the way of your sister’s happiness on Valentine’s Day, are you? Abby scolds her fiance.

Back from their sleigh ride, Summer talks about Dubai and Kyle recalls Canadian winters. Finding a blanket for Summer, Kyle startles her when he knocks something over. Both briefly reminisce about Austin dying at the cabin then move on to what else Kyle had planned to do with Lola. Ice skating? Summer’s down for that.