Thursday, December 13th

It’s looking fantastic – Jack praises the team he’s hired to decorate the house for Christmas. The tree will be here in an hour. When you think it has enough lights, hang one more strand, he instructs.

At the office, Kerry opens a card from Jack (a fancy invitation)

Bursting into Sharon’s, Mariah blasts her Mom for terrorizing Tessa. We had to make sure she wasn’t the one framing Victor (and burning the stables) an unapologetic Sharon lists Tessa’s lies – she brought this on herself. YOU took part in a murder and cover-up, Mariah reminds.

You want this? Come get it – I won’t bite, Mia has Rey’s badge around her neck. She can tell by the look in his eyes that he wants her. Stay. It’s not the kind of job I can just call in sick, Rey takes his badge – see you tonight.

At CL’s with Abby and Arturo, Lola tells Kyle about her new job (running Abby and Devon’s restaurant) Thrilled with the news, a proud Kyle repeats the announcement to everyone – hot chocolate’s on me!

Jack’s at Dark Horse on the phone with someone who wants to get together tonight.

Still in the office, Kerry’s about to text Jack (who she’s looking forward to seeing tonight) when Phyllis calls regarding some business Kerry’s working on right now.

‘Just the people I wanted to see’, Mia interrupts the foursome discussing the new restaurant. She has an announcement of her own – I’m the new personal stylist of Nikki Newman – this could be the start of something big. Tell Mia YOUR news, a smug Abby encourages Lola – I’m sure she’ll be thrilled.

Back at Sharon’s, Mariah relays Tessa calling her terrified and freezing at the side of the road. You crossed the line. No, Sharon has no qualms about judging Tessa – she’s using this to keep you and it won’t stop until YOU put an end to it. Pissed that she’s being pressured to choose between her Mom and Tessa, Mariah storms out.