This is a bad idea, Nick respects Phyllis too much to make this mistake again. It’s not Nick’s respect Phyllis is after but she’ll have to settle for the burger fix. Next time dinner’s on you, she sashays out.
Rising to Rey’s challenge, Kyle eats a hot pepper. Don’t let me pass out in front of your brother, he implores of Lola between coughs. Rey quietly answers a call – hey chief, what’s up?
Tessa gushes to Mariah about their love song. I don’t ever want it to stop.
Appreciating Sharon giving him the heads up on Phyllis, Billy thinks they’re in their own little society. What’s wrong? Sharon asks when Rey comes in. JT Hellstrom.
After Rey leaves ‘all fired up’, Kyle confesses that the pepper wasn’t that hot (as he chomps on another one) Declining dessert, Kyle’s also denied a kiss, because he just ate a hot pepper. Lola’s left to laugh to herself.
Nick fetches Phyllis and marches around his office with her until they end up scantily clad and making out on his desk.
Rey updates Billy and Sharon that his investigation’s being shut down if he doesn’t find JT in a week. Billy thinks that terrible news. Sharon echoes his words but doesn’t mean them.
Back at the park, Arturo picks up the illuminated object. It’s not a Halloween gadget, it’s a watch. Engraved ‘love Mac’.