Wednesday, August 29th

Rey closes the curtains and fires questions about security. Mariah gasps – she saw someone out there. Be quiet, Rey orders the ladies to hide. Over Sharon’s protests, Rey slips out the front door, gun in hand.

Ashley looks conflicted as she gazes at a family photo when Kyle comes home to ask if there’s any updates on B-I-L-L-Y. Asked about his date, Kyle lies – it didn’t go well – good night. Ashley’s left to look suspicious.

At the rooftop bar, Sinead toasts to Billy’s surrender – not believing that the ‘gladiator’ chose to ‘move on’ (and give up gambling in favor of a full life) Wish me luck, I’m bound for glory and want to rake in that next pot so bad I can taste it. Good luck, Billy’s left to wrestle with temptation as Sinead walks away.

Crouched in the darkness, Sharon and Mariah hiss to one another. Your dinner guest carries a gun? Is that normal? Nothing about this feels right, Sharon knows JT’s not out there. Wondering why Sharon invited Rey over, Mariah hears that her Mom thought she was being smart by finding out what he knows (that could potentially hurt Nick) I found the problem, Rey drags Tessa in by her arm, shocking Sharon and moreso Mariah.

Next: Devon stands alone …. Cane makes a promise …. Vikki does damage control.

My Thoughts: Kyle is despicable. Who is he to decide which addictions are illnesses and which aren’t? And when did he become so protective of his Father’s sobriety? Didn’t it occur to him that teaming up with Victor to oust Jack from Jabot and take the company public (not to mention sabotaging Dina’s documentary to reveal that he wasn’t John’s son) could cause Jack to turn to pills and booze? Jabot’s a big building – couldn’t Kyle find a better place to list everything he hates about Billy (than feet away from Billy’s office)? And why is Kyle spelling Billy’s name out to Ashley? That only works when an adult is trying to hide their topic of conversation from kids too young to spell. Guess what kiddo? B-I-L-L-Y can S-P-E-L-L his own N-A-M-E. If Kyle’s staying in the poolhouse why does he have to come through the front door of the main house? Surely there’s a separate entrance so he doesn’t need to disturb the household (especially Dina) with his comings and going …. Wisconsin might as well be here in Canada based on what (little) we see of guns on the show but it’s silly for Mariah to be so astonished that Sharon’s dinner guest would be carrying a gun. Given the crime rate, especially kidnappings it’s surprising more GC residents don’t carry guns. We know Nikki has one – because Tessa stole it. Speaking of Tessa, why on earth would she sneak onto the property instead of just presenting herself at the guard house and having them grant permission for her to enter the Newman compound…. After that touching on-air tribute to Hilary why isn’t anyone carrying on with her show? Mariah shouldn’t have helped Devon pack up Hilary’s clothes, she should have taken them home to replace every hideous item in her closet.