At the club, Nick accosts Billy to make amends; admitting he was a jerk the other day. Agreeing, Billy’s not buying this mea culpa. Summer and Phyllis are pissed off that we’re not getting along – that’s a double dose of fun, Nick jokes. Billy gets it – hug it out? he leans in arms extended. Nick doesn’t think so – then announces that he owns the leasing company for the properties Billy’s opening his stores in. Say hello to your new landlord. Billy’s left to glare as Nick joins Jack at the bar to give him the good news.
Cane and Lily are seated at the club (and then I lost signal due to bad weather. I’m pretty sure it was more whining)
Still at Devon’s, Mariah updates that Tessa vowed to come back to GC once she settled her sister safely in Canada. Our last call (a week ago) was cut off. The people after her sister and really bad. Mariah’s worried but promised not to go to the police. Perhaps I’m overreacting. Maybe not – knowing how fragile life is, Devon thinks Mariah should do whatever it takes to find Tessa. Deciding to hold off on donating Hilary’s boxed up clothes, Devon’s left to pull out a pink blouse.
On the rooftop, Jack updates Ashley that he was able to get Nick to buy the leasing company (seems he likes the idea for holding it over Billy) Ashley’s doing her part by playing the role of supportive COO – when the 30 leases are canceled Billy won’t know what hit him. Jack toasts to Ashley’s devious plan. She toasts to restoring order at Jabot.
Blocking the elevator door, Summer refuses to budge until Billy admits he has feelings for her. I don’t, he insists – you kissed me, I pushed you away – end of story. You ended it eventually and wanted it to go further, Summer demands Billy own what he’s feeling right now. Billy’s feeling anger – go hit on someone younger, like Kyle. He’s a boy – Summer wants a man – I want YOU. Billy admits he finds Summer attractive (and is forced to list why) I’m deeply in love with your Mother. Yes, she’s just as committed to me, he’s sure. Summer continues to goad Billy into making a move. Instead, he leans over to open the elevator door – game over, he leaves Summer scowling and defeated.