Tuesday, June 26th

The Ashby family, Devon, Hilay and Shawna are about as tense as you’d expect as they go over menu choices. Hilary’s repeated reminders that she’s pregnant annoy Lily. Devon’s had enough (basically ‘respect my babymamma’ – this baby deserves to be loved)

As the evening progresses, Hilary explains that she has no family now that her Mom’s dead; just the people at this table. She wants her baby to experience the kind of loving family she never had. Cane and Lily agree to try. On their way to a table, Abby brings Arturo by for introductions (which go amazingly well) Seeing Jack arrives, Cane and Lily quietly confer – Jack lost the court case today – why does he look like he won?

Ashley continues to demand answers from Vikki – which contractors are leaving NE? And how can Vikki be so sure that JT’s not the hacker? Vikki agrees to work with Ashley for the good of NE – but JT is NOT the hacker, she repeats. Let’s find out who this bastard is then, Ashley seems convinced.

Devon thinks Jack’s request to exhume Philip’s body is insane. And when Jack mosey’s over, Cane stands to inform that this is a family dinner. How does Jack Abbott Chancellor sound to you? Jack announces that he’s appealing the court’s decision and suing Jill.

Cane takes Jack aside – what’s gotten into you? You can’t con your was into the Chancellor family (I already tried that) It’s Devon and Cane vs. Jack (with mild support from Hilary) I was conceived before you were born, Jack denies he’s after a title and corner office. Katherine cared about family – she’d embrace me. Bottom line; Jack doesn’t give a rats ass what they think. It’s his family, his business, his life. After Arturo, Abby and Ashley take Jack aside, the matchmakers are disappointed to see that Charlie and Shawna are gone. Do much for fixing things.

Jack’s suing Jill (for access to the grounds – and Philip) with Dina as his star witness. You can’t do that to her, Ashley worries their Mother will ‘spin out’ on the stand. She likens Jack to Graham – taking advantage of a sick old lady. Ashlet then gets a call – yes, she has to be warned.