Monday, June 18th

Her request to move into the Abbott family home instantly accepted (by Ashley) Abby wants to get some distance from the Newman’s (especially Victor) Jack returns disappointed; Dina’s not having a lucid day. No, he doesn’t want to move back into the house. Jack can’t move forward until he finds out who he is.

Hilary hides a glass of what looks like Alka Seltzer when Devon comes home to ask why Phyllis is the one to tell him she’s having morning sickness (via text) He asked Hilary to move in so they could experience this pregnancy together.

Before leaving, Jack asks Ashley how Billy’s doing at Jabot. Birthday Suit made a big splash – the plant had to add a third shift. She’s still not confident Billy won’t get bored and screw up. On the front step, Jack makes a call – he’d like to meet someone to pick their brain.

Inside, Ashley asks Abby if things are serious with Arturo. When Abby asks her to meet him tonight, Ashley correctly guesses things may be a bit more serious than Abby thinks.

Mariah rejoins Sharon to ask if she’s made her decision. Sharon’s pro vs. con list isn’t helping. At all.

Seated at the club, Nick admits that Sharon’s stability was a factor in him losing Christian (but is sure them being engaged will be seen as a commitment to family) Who are you trying to convince? Phyllis wonders. Me or you?

Holding hands, Hilary wants every moment of this pregnancy to be romantic. Devon thinks that the silliest thing he’s ever heard.

On the rooftop, Abby introduces Arturo to ‘call me Ashley’. As he gets drinks, Ashley sits with Abby to bring up Arturo’s arrangement with Nikki (who’s old enough to be his Mother) *cough* Ravi *cough* Abby reminds – she believes Arturo one of the good guys.

Jack’s summoned Ester to the club’s bar in hopes she can fill in a few details.

Talk about the odd couple, Phyllis quips as she spots Jack and Ester at the bar – and thinks Sharon smart to think about his proposal. You cheated on her. What if history repeats itself? (no, not with me – though Phyllis does worry she might mess things up with Billy)

Sharon continues to ‘agonize’ – look how Vikki’s second chance with JT worked out. Nick would never hurt or abuse you, Mariah tells Sharon how proud she is of her. I look up to you. I admire you. Mariah would have been so bummed if her Mom/best friend moved to San Diego. If Nick makes you happy, grab him and don’t let go ~weepy hug~