Wednesday, February 14th

On the CL’s patio, a dreamy-eyed Chelsea watches Nick take the boys inside for hot chocolate as Victor arrives to ask if she’s been a good girl. Victor doesn’t care if Nick sees them chatting – I have no secrets, you do.

Victor warns Chelsea that Phyllis doesn’t have all the facts but she is relentless. She can rant ‘n rave all she wants to, Nick believes me 100%, Chelsea’s confident. Victor threatens that if ever forced to choose, he’ll always choose family; Nick and his grandsons. Chelsea reminds that she was hired to mess with Billy years ago and is still around. She too will protect what’s important to her. Cockiness will be your downfall, Victor warns seconds before Nick brings the boys out. With a reminder that family is everything, Victor leaves Chelsea to tell Nick that she has something to do before meeting him at home.

JT gets the cold shoulder in Vikki’s office – she’s still in no mood to talk. JT didn’t sleep last night – did you? He wanted to come home last night but was too ashamed (so stayed at the club) Vikki didn’t like the way JT spoke or looked at her last night. He admits being jealous of Billy. The thought of losing Vikki makes him crazy. He’s about to leave when Vikki calls him back to apologize too – I shouldn’t have danced with Billy. If you were dancing with Mac I wouldn’t be thrilled. Now it’s time for forgiveness and kissing.

Victor’s not impressed when Noah stops by his office (he should be upstairs at the restaurant) Noah came to apologize for his behavior and to thank Victor for setting him straight. It’s time he took control of his own life instead of feeling sorry for himself. Victor hands over an envelope he’s been saving for the day Noah came to his senses. The sky’s the limit if he applies himself and passes Victor’s test.

Perched in JT’s lap, Vikki scolds him for worrying her all night. She was so relieved to see him at CL’s. THIS is the JT she loves. He wishes his head didn’t get so messed up – it won’t happen again, he promises. When Paul calls, JT kisses Vikki and leaves her smiling.

Sending Connor up to pick out a movie, Nick leaves Chelsea a message. Noah then drops by with news. Things have changed; I’ve changed and there’s no going back.