Tuesday, February 13th

Returning to their table, Vikki’s surprised that JT had the waiter take the champagne away and wants to go home. Declining the suggestion that she stay by herself, Vikki just wants to go say goodbye to her parents. Across the room, Nikki is more like a business partner than a wife as she politely says goodbye to Victor. On the dancefloor with Nick, Chelsea sees Phyllis glaring at her and decides it time she be completely honest with him.

About that surprise, Phyllis returns to ask. Billy asks her to go first but both are interrupted when Simone announces a very special romantic surprise for a loving couple – and we have the honour of sharing that love with them. The anticipation builds (not) with a lenghty drum roll and a light scanning the guests – who will it be???? Tom, I believe you wanted to ask Linda something? Simone smiles as a man drops to his knee to propose. Phyllis and Billy applaud with everyone else; both relieved. Phyllis got Billy a watch. He got her a tiny box which makes her nervous until it’s revealed to be a key to a classic red sports car. Both love their gifts – and each other. But as soon as she’s alone, Phyllis looks somewhat disappointed.

You’re lying again? Nick’s unibrow furrows in anger. Jordan’s the person who created the phony site to rip off Fenmore’s, Chelsea blurts out. He asked me to meet him at CL’s to offer me a cut (which I refused) Chelsea was afraid Jordan would tell lies about her. She’s not the same person and wants to put her past behind her. Nick really wants to believe Chelsea and when she again suggests they go their separate ways, he pulls her onto the dancefloor – I love you – we’ll be OK ~kiss~ Chelsea looks over at Phyllis (who’s giving her stinkeye)

Now home, Vikki’s sorry she broke her promise not to do any work tonight. You spent half the night on the dancefloor with Billy! JT complains. You’re being so unfair – Vikki doesn’t understand why her apology wasn’t accepted. Am I not allowed to talk to Billy? Lower your voice – you’ll wake the kids. Billy’s kids!!!! JT ‘the outsider’ slams out the front door.

As memorable as the other weddings were, Cane lists why this one’s special – it’s just you and me talking from our hearts. All chime in with funny stories that wake Sam up. Mattie’s holding him as Cane recites personalized vows. Charlie hands over the rings. Lily elicits a chuckle by admitting she’s flawed – she wants to live every day like this; honouring this precious gift. Mattie hands Sam to Charlie then Cane’s ring to her Mom. And as her parents kiss, Mattie throws flower petals over them (and then I gagged a bit)