Wednesday, January 17th

Back at CL’s, Sharon thinks Mariah must have better things to do on her day off. No, Mariah doesn’t want to talk, but gives her Mom a sad hug.

Phyllis confides in Hilary that she had an ectopic pregnancy and was told she’d never have children. Just when she gave up, along came Summer (who she’s grateful for every day) Yes, Phyllis went through a lot but it was all worth it. Hilary takes a call from Ester and is ordered to bring Sam home. After Phyllis goes inside, a woman comes in through the patio to tell Hilary what a lovely baby she has.

Cane and Lily revisit more history; teaching Cane to skate, a snowball fight in the park – talk about trust and not taking things for granted. Another proposal. Cane finding Lily in Joe Clark’s bed and later forgiving her. Getting the house ready for the twins. Can you accept Sam? Cane wonders. He’s innocent and deserves our love, Lily says as Cane hugs her.

Devon listens as Tessa sings ‘her’ song; how could a lie feel so true? Back at CL’s Mariah mopes.

Hilary wheels Sam into CL’s to announce to Phyllis that she’s going to have a baby of her own.

Cane agrees with Lily; even with all their imperfections they must be honest with each other – and stay together. Whatever comes. Whatver comes ~kiss~

Paul arrives at GCM with Dina, Jack and Ashley. The doctor needs authorization to remove Mr Bloodworth from life support. Who’s his next of kin? I am. I’m his wife, Dina gives her permission.

My Thoughts: Ashley should not try so hard to revive Graham; it should be obvious what happened. I thought she’d already figured it out and that’s why she and Jack ran over to the club in the first place….. What kind of lame music label is Devon running if he can’t have more than one singer/songwriter and must, in fact, drop one before he’ll listen to any others who’ve reached out to him? What was the point of going to see other ‘acts’ at the music festival? How exactly is Tessa supposed to email Devon a demo? Has he given her the password to his computer or is she supposed to record and send it on her phone? … Not sure why it always astounds me that Paul’s been a PI forever and chief of police for the last few years – and yet has developed absolutely no intuition. He could easily check the cameras at the club to see that Ashley did indeed visit Graham yesterday at lunchtime. And why hasn’t he checked the suite for Graham’s diabetes tester… With how often kids go missing in GC, I don’t blame Ester for flipping out when coming home to find Hilary and Sam gone. Weird that Hilary didn’t think to leave her a note or send her a quick text… How could the woman who came in to gush over the lovely baby not recognize the famous (infamous) Hilary Curtis? And yes, Sam is adorable – but he’s not the perfect man; the perfect man sleeps through the night and doesn’t cry all the time … I called it – check ‘This Just In’ which was updated this week (as was the ‘weekly’ Quiz)