Tuesday, January 9th

Giving the paperwork to the Judge and asking that it be entered as evidence, Mike explains that Traci and Ashley just found this manuscript. Dina began working on her memoirs. It details her relationship with Graham. He reads some excerpts – Dina went to a party on a yacht and met a marvelous man – far too young. Graham Bloodworth is debonair – he kept me laughing for hours ….. Has it been only six months since that party? Graham’s made himself indispensable. He anticipates my every need – too perfectly. Is it all a performance? I no longer trust Graham, he’s after my money. I need to cut ties. Today was to be the day but I was too busy with appointments I’d forgotten about. Why am I still keeping a journal? I won’t publish a book …. I was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s two weeks ago. I want to make amends to Jack, Ashley and Traci. I feel terrible about not trusting Graham. He’s so kind and supportive. I must listen to Graham – he’s the only one who cares and will take care of me til the end. Must remember to look at my will…. Mike thinks it’s crystal clear that Graham should be stripped of all power where Dina’s concerned. Sounding defeated, Brenda has nothing further. The Judge will review this new evidence and return with her decision.

Outside the courtroom, an elated Jack tells Ashley and Traci to delete his angry messages – he should have known his brilliant sisters would come through for him. Dina’s memoirs support what he’d already told the Judge about Graham and his relationship with her. The Abbott’s are giddy and confident – we’ll get to take Mother home with us! Mike comes out to tell them that Graham’s taking the stand. The Abbotts are surprised.

All taking their seats back in the courtroom, Graham’s on the stand – the suit brought against him is a complete waste of time. The Abbott’s want me out of the picture to control Dina Mergeron. But Dina Mergeron and I are married, he announces – I’m her legal next of kin. The Abbotts look horrified as Dina blows Graham a kiss.

Next: Jack defends his position at Jabot … Reed gets some tough love… Nick questions Sharon’s decision making.

My Thoughts: How on earth did Dina Mergeron’s personal memoirs find their way into boxes of her business files? And if she wanted them in print form, why didn’t she just write them? It’s obvious that it was a very rough draft nowhere near ready to publish. Towards the end, it was the ramblings of a confused woman. How on earth did Traci and Ashley go through all those pages to find pertinent paragraphs to read? Perhaps there’s other paragraphs that don’t support their case against Graham? With the stakes so high and having only one shot at this, why the hell didn’t Mike call in any witnesses from the party who heard Graham going off about revenge? A whole restaurant full of people and they didn’t bring in a single one. And the other day, Vikki told Graham that she was going to tell the Abbotts what she saw between him and Dina – and how JT interceded. Why weren’t they brought in to testify that Graham manhandled and upset Dina by saying he was putting her in a home? Perhaps it was caught on camera even … I get that Traci and Ashley left in a hurry – but who’s going to tidy up the huge mess they left in the HWG office?