Abby feels much better thanks to Zack – you’re full of surprises; insisting on seeing me – being so intentive – such a good listener. She really likes this side of Zack and now believes that this relationship is important to him (until he excuses himself to take a call)
Paul’s not at Jack’s to say that he can’t do anything about Dina leaving town with Graham. Jack knows that – but there is something you can do for me if you’re willing.
As soon as Phyllis and Billy get home, the clothes start to come off. Phyllis gets a text from Lauren (who wonders if she knew that cases of Jabot’s new products are on their way to Fenmore’s) Yes, they need to be in the shelves immediately, Phyllis types back that she’ll explain later. As she goes to fetch champagne, Billy reads Jack’s text to Phyllis – Lauren called to ask why she wasn’t informed about Jabot’s rush shipment – thought you were handling this! Returning with glasses, Phyllis wonders why Billy’s holding her phone.
Scott just needs Victor’s approval and resources – for him to put his sketchy sharks to good use to find out who’s behind the shell corporation.
Hissing into his phone, Zack blasts Leon for arranging a date for Natalia in GC – she can’t be seen here. Hanging up, he chases Abby as she’s about to leave. She won’t be treated this way – you can’t do that to people. Zack agrees and makes lame excuses – I don’t want to lose you. You can count on me, he vows – you’re the most incredible woman I’ve ever met – come back to the table. Abby agrees.
Lily doesn’t want to talk to Cane anymore – HE can be the one to tell the kids that Juliet’s living with him. And sign the divorce papers (never mind being too busy with work)
Jack needs a flight plan for the private jet that whisked Graham and Dina out of GC. You’d have done anything for your Mother, Mary, he pleads with Paul (who finally relents)
At the office, a frustrated Vikki tosses her makeup aside and opens up a box of BnS’s new mask.
Billy’s angry – Jabot’s launching a new men’s line and you didn’t tell me? You’re offended?! You’re not telling me everything, Phyllis fires back – you helped yourself to my phone and my computer! I know – you’ve been lying to my face and using me! Why did you use this to me?
Next: I don’t know what else I can do, Jack’s exasperated. You can stop trying to find her, Nikki replies calmly…. I just want to have revenge sex with some hot guy, like you, Lily tells Nick…. Shouting about priorities, Phyllis shoves Billy out of the apartment’s front door. Billy!? Vikki listens on the phone.