Tuesday, October 3rd

Billy flashes back to reassuring Vikki that no one will know he’s accessed Phyllis’ computer (which he’s now doing in the middle of the gym)

Jack doesn’t share Ashley’s faith in Billy – and I didn’t start this battle; I’m protecting our Father’s legacy. Ravi bursts in to announce that the server’s been accessed. Billy Abbott strikes again! Jack crows – game on!

Billy puts Phyllis’ laptop away and grabs his bag seconds before Phyllis rejoins him to rave about the massage. Now, what can Phyllis do for Billy? Surprise me, he follows her out of the gym.

Back in Jack’s office, Ravi does indeed know who’s device was used to log on – it wasn’t Dina’s. Whoever it was downloaded a Jabot JR file. Jack’s sure it’s Billy – he’s trying to prove he’s better than me – and Vikki will do anything to keep her company alive. Now is the time to stand up for OUR company; for DAD’S company – are you with me? Jack asks Ashley.

Nick updates Chelsea that his Dad emptied out his account because he wants the 500 million he won in court. Abby hangs on Dad’s every word – Victor’s working hard to win Vikki back; it’ll probably work. He can’t stand that I’m willing to turn my back on him. Chelsea gets it – the liquor license in Michigan was to prove that you can’t get anything done without him. My Dad always gets what he wants, Nick sighs. He promises the story will end differently this time. But how many people will get hurt before that story ends? Chelsea worries.

Ashley told you my Mother’s alive? She must be desperate, Graham scoffs. Dina would like an explanation on this Mrs Bloodworth who resides at a retirement facility in Florida, Graham claims that the woman in the facility is his Aunt. There’s nothing more to it. Then why didn’t you mention this to me before? Dina’s still suspicious.

Ashley won’t fight Jack on this – she’ll do whatever’s necessary for Jabot. When Phyllis arrives Ashley leaves (and takes Ravi with her) Something I said? Phyllis jokes.

Billy returns to BnS with a flashdrive. Irritated that her orders weren’t followed, Vikki can’t resist taking a look. Wow – Jabot’s pulling back on the mens’ line. That’s our opening! Billy’s excited. It might be a trap, Vikki’s more cautious.

Spy games aren’t your forte, Ashley knows Ravi’s an honest and ethical person – and her ‘rock’. Ravi wasn’t able to find any school records on Graham. He was either homeschooled or went under a different last name.