Cane came (to the house) as soon as he got Lily’s message. She announces that she won’t be going to counseling again. WE need to discuss our future – tonight.
White knuckling the steering wheel, Tessa drives through the night with determination – she vows to find Alice, then Crystal – then put away the pigs who did this to her. No longer the great schemer she once was, Mariah worries – we need a plan!
Over wine at the club, Sharon and Scott lament hitting a brick wall in their search for Crystal. Seriously? Abby pouts as she comes through the revolving door to spot Scott. I have to see that guy all day at work. Zack rejects the idea of dining elsewhere – let’s join them.
Dinner with Scott Grainger? Abby balks. Zack recalls Sharon telling him she wouldn’t use a dating app so wants to pick her brain. OK, Abby’s right – no business tonight.
Across the restaurant, Sharon and Scott continue to discuss Herv bringing Natalia to Underground. We need to find a way to get to this organization. Crystal’s out there somewhere. Abby (and Zack) walk over – mind if we join you for dinner?
Parked outside Alice’s house, Mariah suggests they call the police. And say what? Tessa worries that’ll scare Alice off. The girls butt heads over how to handle this. Mariah never got to meet her sister so will make sure Tessa gets to know hers.
Over coffee, Lily and Cane discuss the kids. They’re growing up so fast and only need us for the car or money. They miss having home as a safe space and will forgive you in time, Lily tears up as she tells Cane that she still loves him.
Still parked, Tessa and Mariah duck when a car pulls up. Inside the house, Alice is getting Natalia and Anna ready for a date. Limo’s here – it’s showtime. Back outside, Tessa tears up as she talks about her sister and how much she appreciates Mariah’s friendship. I have a plan – you’re not gonna like it (the plan is to run in, put a hood over Alice’s face and drag her out of the house)
Devon finds Hilary ‘enjoying her own company’ at the club. He knows she’s unhappy that she lost Jordan. Nope – Hilary lists everything that’s going well in her life (all work related) Devon thinks that all sounds amazing – but it won’t be enough for you, he knows her all too well.
Even after all the pain Cane’s caused, Lily still loves him. Cane declares her and the kids the most important things in his life. Yes, but what about the son Juliet’s having? He deserves love but for Lily he’ll be a constant reminder of what Cane ‘did to us’. She just can’t get past it.
In her bathroom, Juliet looks at her baby bump in the mirror and flashes back to manipulating kindness from Cane in the hospital; his hand on her belly.
Lily stands to open the front door. Devastated, Cane thinks there must be some way to get past this. Just go, Lily cries as Cane strokes her cheek. Closing the door, she sobs.