Wednesday, September 20th

At a busy Underground, Mariah tells Devon that Tessa’s really excited. Devon would rather talk about his favourite subject; Mariah. Arriving, Scott wants to talk to Devon about Hashtag – while Sharon tells Mariah that she’s happy things are working out with Devon.

Seated on the stairs, Faith tells Noah that grandpa lied to her. He and Dad don’t want you to be in the middle – things are complicated – adults make mistakes, Noah reasons. Chelsea asks all to raise their glass to toast Nick and Noah (to Father’s and sons) And Fathers and daughters, Faith adds.

Tessa and Noah are now at Underground after a nice dinner that went well (Tessa enjoyed meeting Faith) Herv the promoter then arrives to meet everyone (with his rented ‘girlfriend’ Natalia) Devon and Noah rave about Tessa. Herv likes what he’s heard and is shown to a table. Mariah’s left to joke about Natalia’s age and hope that Devon doesn’t trade her in for a younger model. You ARE a younger model, Devon’s rewarded with a kiss.

Nick and Faith come downstairs (leaving Chelsea to read a story to the boys) Grandpa loves you very much but you don’t have to see him if you don’t want to. But if you do, it won’t hurt my feelings – Nick will let Faith decide. I love you Dad. I love you too ~hug~

Both with an after dinner drink, Kevin is asked how he will access Nick’s account. There’s no time frame – just do it right. Kevin worries this is over the top. Victor will decide that. He too remembers when Nick was the good son – now he’s turning my grand-kids against me. Kevin thinks Victor a good Father – Nick will regret turning his back on you. Victor agrees.

Holding Lily’s hand, Jordan thinks she must do what’s best for her. But I’m a Mom – I should do what’s best for my kids. THEY are the reason she went to counseling. This baby will have a bigger hold on Cane than he thinks, she believes.

Cane and Juliet bond over baby names. He’s sorry. And she knows it’s been hard on him. Leaning over, Juliet gives Cane a lingering kiss on the cheek – then the lips. He responds.

Devon goes over to Sharon and Tessa’s table – be sure to let Herv know how much you like Tessa. Across the room, Herv tells Natalia that she’s even more beautiful in person than her photos. As Noah takes to the stage, Sharon points out the promoter. Scott thinks he recognizes the woman with him.

Nick and Chelsea are left alone to tidy up and revel in their great evening – their great life. We’re one big family ~kiss~

Victor continues to bash Nick to Kevin – he’ll get what he wants; total independence. We’ll see how that works out.

Next: Once you pop out that baby, his interest in you will disappear, Hilary snarls at Juliet (who groans in agony, clutches her stomach and doubles over) … Care to join me? Jack reminds Vikki that they’re supposed to be friendly competitors… Scott whispers to Tessa as he hugs her – the woman Herv’s with is a hooker – she knows your sister.

My Thoughts: Juliet’s a bit melodramatic – sure Chinese food might save Cane’s life but he’ll be dying of hunger again in a half hour … How could Alice vanish into thin air? Is her car still parked to the airport? … What exactly has Scott found to write about in his web series? I imagine he’s on some list now being compiled by those really investigating underage prostitution rings. No wonder Sharon worried – he seems a bit to eager. Perhaps he’ll arrange to go out with every young hooker he can find – and write it off as business and send the bill to Victor … Kevin continues to be an idiot. I guess he’s forgotten how panicked he gets when locked up and all his promises to stay on the straight and narrow. Mike will NOT be happy when he finds out that Victor’s gotten Kevin in trouble (though Kevin’s a grown man and wasn’t forced into anything) And just wait until Gloria bumps into him… If only Victor would, for once, face repercussions for his actions (from the law or family/friends) Nick will know he’s behind it when exactly 500 million vanishes. Hopefully, this will be the final straw for Vikki and Abby where their Father’s concerned. What’s to say their money won’t be transferred too? The Judge awarded the three kids that money – it is theirs, not Victors. And will Noah finally have had enough. Victor said he’d do anything to support him but can’t simply leave his Dad alone. If the money goes, so does Noah’s dream of expanding Underground… Seinfeld fans will recognize Herv as Newman (ironically his name on the show. If only he’d have stuck out his hand to shake Noah’s and sneered ‘Newman’) If you’re reading this and a subscriber not receiving daily spoilers, please contact me.