It’s true, Dad’s chased off all his other children; I’m the only one who’ll work and live with him, Abby laments that he also hired Scott to make her work harder (and it’s working) It’s complicated being a Newman and an Abbott. Does Dina consider herself an Abbott? She’s trying to. Abby then asks a personal question – why did you leave Grandpa and the family?
Still in Jack’s office, Ashley asks what Jack remembers – resulting in a flashback of teenage Jack hearing John and Dina fight about her affair with Brent Davis, the club’s golf instructor. Dina needs more than being stuck at home with three kids! Jack changes the subject to Ashley’s trip to the lake with Ravi (who then arrives to stammer when Jack puts him on the spot – what did you think of the cabin?)
Jack’s sure it was quite an education on the great outdoors (since Ravi’s usually behind his computer) He’s actually quite a sailor, Ashley chimes in to say the weather and company were perfect. Any other adventures you’d like to share? Told about mushroom gathering and paddleboarding, Jack sees Ravi in a whole new light (and assumes Ashley does too) Glaring at a smug Jack, Ashley follows Ravi out; both deciding it’s time to get to work.
Dina admits that she betrayed John and her family. No, she didn’t love the golf pro or leave to be with him. She was unhappy and unfulfilled. She saw Brent Davis again briefly in the 80’s and deeply regrets her mistake.
Phyllis denies she’s defending Benjamin Hawkman but Vikki made a scene in a public place. Billy doesn’t think it was cool of Hilary to air it. He won’t blame the Mother of his children. As Billy continues to stare at Dina, Phyllis rants about her acting like she runs Jabot. That sneak of a Mother might steal the company right out from under Jack.
At the penthouse, Chelsea’s flashback to Nick offering to rescind his suggestion of moving in together is interrupted when she excitedly welcomes Faith home – it’ll be nice to have another girl here. Connor adores you. I hope you feel at home here. Look, your drawing’s already got a place on the piano. As Faith goes upstairs to her room, Chelsea updates Nick that Victor refused to send the furniture over. Faith wants this to work as much as we do, Nick reassures as he hugs Chelsea (and Faith calls her Grandpa)
Back at the club, Billy thinks Dina ousting Jack from Jabot would serve him right. Phyllis was kidding – Jack wouldn’t let that happen. She then wonders why Vikki hasn’t replaced Cane or Juliet – maybe she doesn’t want too. Billy’s sure that the bridge loan will soon free up his time. With a kiss, Phyllis heads to work – and when Abby leaves, Dina’s left to accept the charming Billy’s offer of a ride to Jabot. Of course he’ll escort her up to her suite to pick up her things.
At CL’s, Sharon thinks Faith’s got enough to adjust to in one day – she’s fine but not telling us everything. Kids need stability. Scott thinks it makes a difference that so many people love Faith.
Faith’s glad her Grandpa came to tell her that her Dad moved in with Chelsea. They keep calling this my home but it isn’t – there was supposed to be a surprise but that didn’t happen. I miss the ranch. Victor will see Faith when she visits her Mother. And if you don’t like things, tell your Dad.
Billy tries to snoop on Dina’s laptop as she gathers her things – but settles for taking a snapshot of a sticky note with the password before taking Dina off to Jabot.
Arriving at the office, Dina appreciates Ashley’s praise (and is really enjoying her job at Jabot – and getting to know Abby) Ashley’s surprised to hear that Abby’s moved into the ranch. She had questions about why I left John, Dina adds. How did you answer? Ashley asks.
Dropping by the ranch, Abby tells Victor that she enjoyed breakfast with Dina; who confided that she fell for a handsome golf pro who made her feel special. What can you tell me about Dina and Brent Davis?