Vikki’s not pleased that she was kept in the dark while Nikki told Nick and Jack about her MS flare ups. And she misses her Dad. He looked at you with such adoration when you played piano. Listing some of Victor’s crimes, Nikki concludes by saying that HE left HER.
Ashley, Abby and Dina meet at the club. Linking arms the trio heads off to be pampered.
Seated in the club’s dining room, Gloria admits that she had a shiver of anticipation when Graham invited her out. No Dina doesn’t know. We don’t share everything, Graham flirts.
There was no harassment, Cane tells Jack (at Jabot) He had a drunken one night stand he regrets and needs to fix his credibility. He quickly guesses that Jack wants inside scoops from Brash and Sassy to take them down. He seems fine with that but first you’d have to give me a job.
Nikki will always love Victor but wants to make her own decisions in life. Vikki relays that the kids met (and got along well with) Phyllis. Nikki’s alarmed to hear that Vikki fell after the benefit. As she goes to answer the door, Vikki says she’s fine but clearly isn’t.
Nick comes in to greet Vikki and tell her and his Mom that Dad came by bar to work Noah. Nikki forgives Nick but Vikki doesn’t want lectures on how she should feel about Dad. Stay, let’s watch the Hilary Hour, Nikki invites. Nick agrees to watch the happy Newman family on TV for the last time.
At the station to report that a young girl may be being held against her will, Sharon (with Scott) is calmed down by Paul. The department will search for Crystal. Let the cops handle it.
Dina knows I’m not a monk, Graham continues to charm Gloria (who’s no nun) And now she must return to the office. Looking forward to seeing one another again, Graham’s quick kiss leaves Gloria swooning.