Thursday, June 8th

When Noah can’t tell Sharon and Scott anything about Tessa’s ex, Sharon wonders why she’s not being honest. You shouldn’t have to speculate or try to rescue everyone. She doesn’t want to see him hurt again.

After a few more failed attempts, Nikki worries about making a fool of herself at this charity concert and understands if Tessa bails out. I’m doomed to fail – this whole thing is set up to make me look bad. Encouraging, Tessa wonders why she’d think that.

At the park cafe, Kevin discreetly gets rid of the evidence tag, puts the gun in his duffel bag and pulls out his laptop to punch in the Louisiana address. Victor startles him to offer condolences and ask where he’s going. Is a vacation in Tahiti a good idea?

Having been to Tahiti, Victor asks where Kevin’s staying. Oh, he hasn’t checked his itinerary, Mike and Lauren made all the plans. Hoping Kevin finds solace there, Victor strolls off.

Nikki’s sorry for putting Tessa in this position. You must have noticed the tension between me and Mr Newman. But no, Nikki doesn’t want her to move out. YOU’RE not the problem. She confides that she used to be like Tessa and feels bad for complaining about the life she has. Nikki’s never been so uncertain about her future.

Graham thinks it’d be diabolical of him to steal the Abbott kids inheritance. He’s used to such assumptions but thought Ashley knew her Mother better than that. He’s never seen Dina’s will and doesn’t expect to inherit. Graham’s paid well and works in finance. In fact, he thinks Ashley the one fixated on inheriting.

Jack tells Dina that he and Ashley are both deeply concerned. IS Graham just ‘protective’? IS that all it is? Having seen Dina bond with her kids and granddaughter, he feels she wants to stay. Is Graham forcing you to leave? Jack persists – Talk to me.

Graham knows Ashley doesn’t like him but why is she suddenly so concerned about the Mother who wanted to see her kids ‘one more time’. One more time? Getting no answer, Ashley’s left to puzzle over what Graham means by that.

After Scott leaves to see when Victor can ‘squeeze me into his schedule’, Sharon continues to caution Noah regarding Tessa. She doesn’t trust people, especially men, Noah’s taking things slow. Sharon just wants to spare her son pain – be careful.

Taking a break, Nikki clip clops off – leaving Tessa to call Victor to update that she might not be able to perform. And why is it so important that Nikki plays at the concert? Don’t let me down, Victor orders. Nikki returns to ask why Tessa was talking to him.

Jack continues to badger Dina to stay in GC. She won’t change her mind – I’m too stubborn. Jack wishes it didn’t have to be this way. Goodbye Jack, Dina’s giving him a teary hug when Graham returns. Take good care of her, Jack orders. Told she’s in capable hands, he marches out. You did the right thing, Graham reassures Dina.

Praising Chloe as she sketches, Dr Harris thinks he should use art therapy more and will get her more supplies. A subdued Chloe knows this is the right choice and appreciates Dr Harris taking care of her – but when he goes to make lunch, she murmurs ‘hurry Kevin, hurry’
