Chelsea gives Hilary some more support; she and Adam had problems too. Devon loves you and you love him. Hilary won’t lie and scheme anymore. She must now decide what to do next. Chelsea knows all about that – face one challenge at a time. She must be strong for Connor (which brings fresh tears from Hilary as she confides how excited she was about having Devon’s baby)
Lily realizes that she should have consulted Cane before taking the job. He admits to being irritated at being left out of the decision process and isn’t sure he wants to share Lily with the world. Some sex ought to fix that – let’s celebrate right here ~kiss~
Vikki’s home (with Billy) to catch an eyeful. Reed! What’s going on!? You’re supposed to be babysitting. I didn’t give you permission to have a friend over. Perhaps Vikki should call Zoey’s parents to come pick her up? Mom, Reed groans that she’s ‘the worst’.
Jill continues to comfort Devon (who has the nerve to complain about inheriting 2 billion dollars) Katherine had faith in you.
Hilary has no place to live and will soon be out of a job. Chelsea’s sure she’ll be fine – starting over can sometimes be a blessing.
The blinds closed, the Ashby’s go at it in the office.
Wishing Reed ‘good luck’, Zoey leaves him for more scolding from his Mom. There’s no way you’re ready for sex, Vikki sputters. Yes, I am – Billy taught me everything I need to know, Reed blurts out. Shocked, Vikki glares at Billy.
Next: What are we drinking to? Gloria asks. Your speciality – backstabbing, Lauren replies … If Dylan’s suffering because of something I did, I’d never be able to forgive myself, Sharon tells Mariah …. The warehouse now a crime scene, it’ll take time for forensics to ID the spattered blood. I have to find my son! Paul shouts.
My Thoughts: Yes, Lily should have consulted Cane before accepting the job offer but also why wouldn’t she have her own lawyer go over her contract with Brash n Sassy? And are the Ashby’s aware that the blinds they just closed for privacy while they make out are opaque (you can see right through them) … Reed’s quite unlikeable. All kids bark at their parents but Reed had no business talking to Hannah like she was beneath him .. NOW Jill thinks Billy turned out just fine? Up until a couple of weeks ago she was determined to manage his love life and whining to anyone who’d listen that he was on the verge of self-destruction. In fact, she took ownership of the estate back because Billy couldn’t even be trusted to decorate it properly. And lets not forget Jill’s reaction when catching her middle-aged son with Bethany (you’d have thought they were Reed and Zoey’s age)