Friday, January 20th

Lauren is NOT flattered by Jack’s ‘sabotage’. He wants to see this deal happen. Phyllis won’t butt out – and wants to know what Jack really wants. He wants to save Fenmores before it collapses. Jack shares Lauren’s determination. Phyllis offers to quit. Jack doesn’t need her to – he wants to expand Jabot with Fenmores. Deal?

Paul gets a troubling call. Dylan wasn’t found at the location. He’d have left a clue in the warehouse, Kevin’s sure. There was not trace of him, Paul hugs Chris.

Jack tells Lauren to stop stalling – this is the best offer you’ll get. Lauren wants it all in writing before she gives her answer. No, she doesn’t trust Jack and will do what’s best for her company. Phyllis glares at Jack then follows Lauren out.

Despite Chris’ objections, Paul’s off to Miami. He answers the burner phone – Derek? Are you there? Trace that line, he orders Kevin – then marches out to find his son.

Neil believes it best for Devon to leave Hilary but this might not be the right time. He needs to figure out what he wants. Otherwise, he’ll have doubts – and that’ll send him right back to Hilary.

Hilary’s not there to make excuses – she doesn’t want to hurt Devon and won’t fight him on the divorce. I love you – enough to let you go.

Next: I’m getting the feeling that you’re not happy about me modelling again, Lily questions Cane …. Chelsea reassures Hilary – marriages have troubles all the time – they can be fixed. Not this time, Hilary says – the scars are permanent…. Reed!? What’s going on? Vikki (with Billy) walks in to find him kissing a girl on the sofa.