Summer exchanges a few words with Mike at CL’s then joins Kevin to hear about how great it is living with Chloe and Bella. And his BFF Mariah’s about to go on live TV.
All admire Mariah after she’s been made up and dressed. Now for the shoes. Have a good time, Sharon encourages. Hilary watches as Mariah straps in her high heels.
Fenmore’s has had a tough year – they’re weak, Jack tells Ashley – he doesn’t think Phyllis will be an issue (she won’t be around much longer) Fenmore’s is ripe for the taking – but we have to move and move fast. Phyllis listens in the hallway.
Nick comes home and isn’t happy to hear Christian crying upstairs (with the sitter) Faith ignores his order to read – she wants to watch GC Buzz (so turns it on as Nick goes upstairs)
Mariah interviews Chloe and Chelsea (who blathers like an idiot) On the sidelines, Hilary scowls while Sharon and Devon smile. As the first model comes out, Chelsea describes what she’s wearing. Mariah looks uncertain about her shoes. Nick scolds Faith – and is about to turn the TV off when Faith’s loud cheering of Mariah wakes Christian up again. After another model, it’s Mariah’s turn. Kevin and Summer watch at CL’s. All onset gasp in horror as Mariah trips and hits the carpet hard.
Next: No more work – it’s time for your treatment, Lily coos at Cane as she slips out of her shirt to reveal a sexy bra and panties… She could be hurt, Sharon frets over Mariah. Wait, the cameras are still rolling – let’s see what she does, Chloe stops her…. If you’ll admit you were wrong just maybe I’ll come back, Hilary tells Devon.
My Thoughts: I guess we’re supposed to forget that for the first few months all we ‘saw’ of Mariah was her tattooed wrist, long legs, short skirt and high heels (when she was trying to mess with her ex Tyler when he was engaged to Abby) If Hilary tampered with Mariah’s shoes in any way, she’d be opening Devon up to yet another lawsuit. Only 2 models? Wouldn’t if be a lot easier for GC Buzz to just bring it’s crew over to the studio?