The next delivery to BnS is a toy/replica of Travis’ boat (‘Tori’) Annoyed, Vikki sends a text – meet me at the park cafe. Leaving the club, Travis takes a moment to gloat to Abby.
This won’t take long, Vikki tells Billy as she marches out of the office.
Abby’s just removed her ring when Lily arrives at the club to chat about their respective Thanksgivings, Abby’s divorce, Vikki’s break up and Cane being stubborn.
Joining Billy at the office, Cane orders him not to discuss his ‘pain’ with Lily – I’m capable of doing my job. Cane’s tired of being underestimated (then comments on the model boat ‘Tori’) It’s supposed to say Titanic, Billy quips.
At the cafe, Vikki quickly wipes the smile of Travis’ face. No more gifts or toys. Travis stands – I had to get your attention. I wanted to talk to you. Vikki will do the talking.
Nick left his child with a babysitter – whom he failed to tell about Christian’s allergy, Mike sums up his new strategy. When Dylan and Sharon defend Nick, Mike just thinks he needs help – and who better to help than the McAvoys? Sharon worries Faith will be hurt by painting Nick as a bad Father. How bad do you want this and what are you willing to do to get it? Mike asks. With hugs and kisses, Faith leaves. Mike exits too – he’ll be waiting to hear. Now alone, Dylan wonders if Sharon’s really considering this.
Leslie warns Nick that the McAvoys now have ammunition. And I gave it to them, Nick scowls. After Leslie leaves, Victor tells Nick that they’ll use Dylan’s interview against them – plus Sharon kidnapped the boy. Nick thinks the McAvoys would be justified in portraying him as a negligent Father.
Dylan doesn’t want to be unfair to Nick – he’s not the villain. But thanks to GC Buzz I’m a damaged veteran and you have mental issues. Neither want to put Faith in the middle. If the McAvoys go with Mike’s plan, they may lose (and lose Christian for good)
Back at the club, Abby needs to know that the Ashby’s are getting their happy-ever-after. You’re fine right? Yes, more than fine but Lily wishes Cane would slow down. She also wishes she hadn’t stormed out of the hospital earlier.
Cane badgers Billy about accurate numbers, then hurts himself standing up to make a point. Go home and get some rest, Billy wants to call Lily. No – Cane will call a cab.