Friday, November 18th

At Brash n Sassy, conversation between Vikki and Billy is awkward. Travis proposed, she then blurts out. I didn’t see it coming – who could?

As Kevin frowns at his phone in the park, Chloe comes along – I’m a jerk – sorry. No, I’m a jerk – Kevin’s sorry. Chloe won’t be one-upped on her apology. And all is right in Chlevin-land.

Nick and Faith work as a team to create a video that’s sure to earn Faith an A+. The moral of the story? If we just listen and learn we can find common ground; Happy Thanksgiving.

You’re completely overreacting, Chelsea tells Sharon (who’s completely convinced that she’s on Nick’s side) That’s so unfair – Chelsea’s gone out of her way to tell Nick to cut Sharon some slack. Sharon’s had Faith ripped from her arms by Nick more than once. And don’t play naive – it’s obvious you want Nick. Whhhat? Chelsea’s left to shake her head in astonishment.

Back at GC Buzz, Devon and Mariah don’t understand why Hilary’s not pursuing this story. It’s not a request, Devon writes the checks. We ARE doing this story.

Ashley thanks Travis for meeting her (at CL’s) She got Michelle on the plane but who can blame her for getting mixed messages? You did sleep with her after all. A stupid mistake – Travis wants to be with Vikki forever.

You love each other, marriage seems like the next logical step to Billy. It makes sense for me to marry Travis? Vikki doesn’t understand why Billy now has no opinion. If you have something to say, just say it. I can’t… make this decision for you. Billy will trust Vikki’s decision – listen to your gut.

Next: Sitting on the sofa, Cane looks longingly at a bottle of medication (pain pills I assume) … Forget about the poor and unfortunate, things are about to get interesting, Hilary tells Mariah – as she spots Phyllis smiling at Billy… At the cabin, Jack’s overcome with visions of Phyllis and Billy making out there.

My Thoughts: Travis, dude – she’s just not that into you. And she’ll be less into you once she finds out you’ve been into Michelle … Why would Victor text Chelsea’s invitation to Thanksgiving? She was at the ranch just yesterday? … How does Devon possibly think Sharon can repair her reputation by donating money she earned for her interview? I’m sure it wasn’t mentioned. If the Hamilton’s knew anything about garnering good will and good publicity, they’d have announced it, matched that amount and asked all their viewers to donate too …. … The sign may say ‘GC Buzz TV’ but who are they trying to kid? No station is airing this crap. Hilary’s 45 second ‘shows’ are nothing more than some kid posting Youtube videos online. Who outside of GC knows or cares about the scandals of this incestuous little town? … Oh please – Thanksgiving at the ranch will be weird because Sage and Adam are dead? When were they ever included in Newman gatherings? Sage was a Newman for 5 minutes and Adam was never welcome to the supper table. I’m sure the Newman’s will find another way to make the holiday weird …. Sharon sure is making it hard to feel any sympathy for her. Twice assured by her bosses that she still had a job, Sharon decides to unleash her neurosis on Chelsea (clearly forgetting she works at Chelsea 2.0) … I may be biased due to my love of dimples – but Nick and Faith’s Thanksgiving video was just about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Joshua Morrow should be given free reign to insert as much comedic relief as he wants into this shitshow (that’s right I said it) And give l’il Faith an Emmy already.