Monday, September 12th

At the club’s bar, Collin whines to Jack for throwing him under the bus. My wife kicked me out. We need to talk, Jack says. Heading up the stairs, Collin smirks as he says ‘you’ve said enough for one day’.

Chelsea doesn’t need Nick, Chloe or Sharon to help her accept that Adam’s gone – take your donuts and good intentions and get the hell out. You’re released from your promise to Adam. Connor’s not your problem. After Nick leaves without further word, Chelsea cries.

Back at CL’s, Chloe points out that she’s worked hard to accept losing Delia. Sharon remembers Cassie every morning – the emptiness never goes away. Chloe gets past it by loving Bella – just as Sharon loves Noah, Faith, Mariah. And Sully, Sharon adds. Oh Yes, and did you ever think you’d be blessed with that precious little boy if you didn’t move on with your life?

Phyllis updates Billy on her and Jack’s first therapy session. Jack was guarded. Billy then tells Phyllis that Jill’s heart attack was indigestion. He told his Mom that Phyllis broke things off. He wants to kiss her right now. Just shut up, she walks off.

Collin lets Jack into his suite. What’s this information you have on my wife? A con? Jack asks. Yes, Collin’s sorry he made Jack question his wife. He planned to sell Jack a bogus story and would be safely back in Chicago before Jack figured it out. Collin’s stunned when Jack dumps out a duffel bag full of cash – tell me everything you know.

Next: Cheers to you, Billy tips back a shot (as does a bikini-clad young redhead) Neither of them see Ashley, hands on her hips …. Chelsea barks – haven’t you stolen enough from me? I’m not here to take, I’m here to give, Victor corrects …. Jack throws a bundle of cash at Collin – answer me.

My Thoughts: Why is Nick talking to Chloe about losing someone suddenly and unexpectedly. As does Sharon – she doesn’t need Nick to tell her why Chelsea was lashing out. And Chloe’s right – everyone must grieve in their own way. BUT, if Chelsea’s seeking any input on how to grieve, it’ shouldn’t come from the woman who needed intensive in-house therapy to manage it – or guidance from the man who’s grief caused him to have an affair on a grieving Mother (Sharon) Between Sharon and Chloe, there’s a lot of crazy at one table … Surely Sharon doesn’t think she’s kindergarten (or any grade) teacher material. Never mind her history of mental illness, she’s had no post-secondary education … Why are both Jill and Jack so chill about Collin trying to extort a million bucks? Throw his ass out and call the cops. Does he really think a million will keep him in the lifestyle he’s accustomed to riding Jill’s coat tails? … Where on earth did Jack get that bag of cash from? Does he keep a million in his locker at the gym?