Thursday, August 11th

Vikki’s upstairs to chat with Phyllis – she and Billy are working well together. There’s no more fighting. Happy to hear it, Phyllis wonders if Vikki’s considering getting back together with Billy.

At the club, Billy asks Jack about his marriage to Phyllis. Jack relays putting a stop to Phyllis partnering with her worst enemy to stop her daughter’s wedding. Billy disapproves of Jack doing what he always does – not letting Phyllis be herself – sucking the life out of her.

Sharon reminds Nikki that she briefly had the common sense to ask Victor for a divorce – then got sucked back in again. Nikki insists that Victor’s changed. She’s trying to give Sharon the benefit of the doubt (because Dylan’s happy) Both ladies are surprised when Dylan comes home to say that Paul made the right decision. The investigation’s a waste of time. After Nikki leaves, Dylan confirms that he lied to her – and he may have found a way to help Adam.

Nikki’s delighted to see Victor behind his desk, where he belongs. Your son Dylan wouldn’t agree, Victor grumbles. Nikki updates that Paul suspended Dylan. Yes, today. Dylan’s ready to put the whole thing to rest. Victor ‘guesses’ that’s good news (but doesn’t look convinced)

Back at the penthouse, Chelsea whines to her supportive friend Chloe (relaying the disastrous visit) What if Adam never wants to see his son. Chloe looks distracted – I think I’ve made a huge mistake.

In his bunk, Adam dreams of being released from prison. A teenage Connor says that Mom’s not doing so well. Now home, Adam finds a pale, weak, Chelsea in a bed in the living room. Why isn’t she in the hospital? Connor wanted his Mom to die at home.

Pressed, Chloe thinks coming back to GC was a bad idea. No, Chelsea appreciates her friend’s support. And where would you go? Chloe doesn’t think this is the right place for her and Bella (whom she rushes out to pick up from Ester)

Vikki would need to see a LOT more personal growth from Billy – does Phyllis think they could make it work. You have the potential for something great – but no more secrets or lies. He’s hiding something? Vikki wonders.

Billy knows that Phyllis is fiercely loyal – clip her wings and she’ll never fly again. She’s a free spirit who can’t be tamed. You were cut from the same cloth, Jack appreciates the perspective. You’ve given me a lot to think about.

As Connor stands by, Chelsea dies as Adam holds her hand. Honey, baby, come on – wake up, he cries. You killed her – you did this, Connor shouts – all the years we worried about you. You’re the reason my Mother’s dead. Yes, Connor means it. Your grandfather orchestrated this, Adam sputters. I’m done, Connor leaves. Adam tosses and turns in his bunk.