Friday, June 3rd

Neville returns to the lab to rant about women – how did Ashley know he went to see Hilary?? I’m smarter than you, Ashley quips. Neville relays that Hilary thinks he’s trying to scare her into postponing the drug’s release. Her hand tremors indicate she might be relapsing.

Jack won’t talk any more about Billy – he has more interesting things to talk to his wife about. As he whispers in her ear, Billy brings Bethany over for introductions. How are you after the accident? Phyllis asks. Bethany’s fine. And Billy always bounces back, Jack jokes. I already have, Billy grins. And as they take a table, Jack notices that Phyllis is watching Billy and Bethany.

Abby’s glad to catch Max and Ben before they left. We’re a family. I’d like to help you get settled in at the facility. As Max hugs her, Abby promises the three of them will get through this.

In the suite, Hilary thanks Devon for defending her to Neil. I won’t let you down. The drug will be rolled out in the fall.

Neville explains why Hilary’s at risk of relapse, Ashley’s not. If he doesn’t figure it out soon, Hilary could end up in a coma again.

Phyllis can see that Billy’s putting on a show, pretending to be happy. But she can’t control him – let’s get back to us. Jack turns to look at Billy – he’s fawning over that woman, but in love with someone else.


Next: Luca and I are not just dating, we’re living together, Summer tells Nick… Adam appeals to Meredith – did my Father say anything to you that might indicate he set me up? …. It’s been a while since you’ve come to see me, Victor tells Vikki.

My Thoughts: How can Neil pick up the slack with the foundation? Didn’t he just say he was checking himself as it’s first patient? And why is an ‘active’ alcoholic spending so much time in a bar? Wouldn’t that be what they call a ‘trigger’? … Oh let me guess, like Max, we’re supposed to excuse Hilary’s behavior because it’s some bizarre symptom of a medical condition … I can’t wait until Jack finds out that his beloved wife has slept with his brother. No sympathy – for any of them, but hopefully we’ll never have to hear ‘it’s you and me against the world Red’ ever again.