Tuesday, January 19th

Declaring her program brilliant, Natalie wants to be a legend – just like Victor. She was an orphan too. I can make us billions. Let’s make the other investors think they’re getting me and the program, you keep me safe while I fix the program. We can get your son and keep the program. Victor chuckles – he’ll help the whiz kid. He makes a call – and next thing you know, the thug holding Marisa cuts her free – you’re coming with me.

Jack apologizes to Billy. I already told you not to feel bad. When was that? Yesterday. How bad did things get? Billy wonders – then talks about floating around – he saw Delia – she told me to go back and fix things – that’s what Billy will do. Vikki believes him.

At GCM, Sage won’t let Nick discuss what happened at CL’s – let’s go see Billy, she leads him off.

Sipping some water, Billy relays the last thing he remembered – the wedding – the parking garage. I screwed up. Jack’s also sorry he didn’t give Billy the money he asked for. We can invest now, Billy says. Jack’s about to tell him the bad news when Nick and Sage barge in with jokes.

Luca worries about what Victor will do to Marisa. On cue, Marisa walks in the revolving door. Dylan beats Luca and Noah to her – he wants to know all about who took her and what they did to her.

Upstairs, Mariah whines about their dream being over. No – Kevin just needs to get Natalie back here and keep her safe. Little Miss Geekster doesn’t give a damn about us! Mariah argues – she sold the project twice – Victor’s going to find out, take her down, then come after us.

Natalie declines a drink – but when she’s working she wouldn’t mind a bottle of red wine being sent to wherever Victor plans to stash her. The thug who released Marisa now arrives to take Natalie (who needs to check in with Kevin and get her computer stuff)

Nick and Billy make beard jokes – then jokes about him not being able to take a punch. He can ID the guys who beat him up (nobody mentions the hit and run) All then file out so Vikki can have more alone time with Vikki. I don’t deserve you – we both know that, Billy says.

You’re officially GCPD? Does my Mom know that? Noah questions Dylan. Yeah – the then questions Marisa. She claims that the guy who took her drove her around – she woke up tied to a bed. She’s not sure if Victor’s behind it. Noah and Luca are – he didn’t even deny it. Marisa was suddenly released – it was a misunderstanding. Luca wants Victor arrested. Dylan lists all sorts of reasons he can’t. He’ll try get Adam home first – let’s contain this so no one else gets hurt.

Victor prepares to send an email – ready to trade the girl for my son. Dylan interrupts on official business. It’s illegal to impersonate an officer, Victor’s shown the badge – how nice that Daddy gave you a job. Sit down. So, when were you going to notify police that Adam’s kidnapped and they want a girl. Dylan wonders if Natalie’s stashed away in the same place he kept Marisa (who’s pretty rattled in case you want to know)

Still at the club, Noah supports Dylan going to Victor before calling in reinforcements – maybe nothing worse will happen. When Luca steps aside to take a call from his Father, Marisa reassures Noah that’s she’s OK – she’s fine. You need to forget about the hit and run – forget you lied. Noah suspects that Luca knows he hit Billy.

Billy’s love for Vikki and his siblings brought him back, Sage gushes – she never had anything like that; it’s beautiful. Jack still feels guilty (and worries about the deal he lost) Nick heard about the deal his Father signed and tells Jack to just let it go. After the Abbott’s leave, Nick wants to discuss Dr Anderson.