Friday, January 15th

I’m with you, only you, Marisa says. Luca confides that Victor’s threatening him because he thinks his Father took Adam. This is getting too dangerous, she worries. This isn’t how my Father operates, Luca claims that if he had Adam, he’d let Victor know. It’s all about power and money – so let Victor know that’s where he’ll be hit if anything happens to you. My brilliant wife, Luca gushes. As they hold hands across the table, Noah comes over to say Luca’s needed at NE. He then stays behind to chat to Marisa – about trust.

Sharon’s meds have been lowered for a few days and she feels great. Nick worries. Dr Anderson’s watching me, Sharon reassures. When isn’t she? Nick doesn’t think this a good time to experiment with her meds. Sharon again sings the praises of Dr Anderson and wonders why Nick has a problem with her getting better.

Sharon’s never felt more at peace, she’s happily married, her kids are well, new baby etc etc. Nick thinks Dr Anderson’s too involved. She cares – and you and Sage are in a good place partly because of her support. Nick doesn’t agree – Dr Anderson thinks it’s wrong to encourage Sage to spend time with Sully. Sharon didn’t hear it that way – she enjoys seeing Sully with Sage; helping her is good for everyone. Nick wonders if Dr Anderson’s saying one thing to her and another to him – she really upset Sage the other day. Sharon’s sure whatever Dr A said was in Sage’s best interest.

You recognized me – you know me, Sage gives Sully a kiss. Go spend some quality time with Sage and your nephew, Sharon says. As Nick’s about to head inside, Chelsea enters the patio – she needs Nick’s help.

Natalie’s not conning Kevin – she could have stolen the money in his account if that’s what she’s after. She shouldn’t have taken the money – but Kevin put all these ideas in her head about changing the world. Then you pulled the plug. My backer almost died, Kevin points out. And who are these other backers exactly? Victor’s a bigger problem, Kevin warns. Finally, Natalie snaps as Mariah returns with food. Kevin’s in the process of opening wine – a buzzed Natalie works better. Getting a text from Paul, Kevin leaves the girls – behave. So – you and Kevin, Natalie says. Mariah also takes a swig from the bottle. So, you and Kevin.

Noah worries about Paul being in Victor’s office – I almost killed a man. We did what we needed to do to protect you – trust that. Noah trusts Marisa – but does Billy know it was me who hit him? How can he ‘find peace’ after what he walked away from? Marisa won’t let him get caught. Noah appreciates her having his back. You had mine, Marisa lists all Noah did for her. Noah loved Marisa from the first day – still do. Two guys in suits come over to speak to Marisa.

Luca enters Victor’s office to insist his Father’s not a kidnapper. The ransom demand from the Santori’s says otherwise, Victor says – your Father’s playing a dangerous game. OK – and what does my Father want for Adam’s release? Your wife.

Sharon rejoins Sage – she’s not sure who’s more smitten; Sage or her son. A baby recognizes it’s Mother’s voice and face hours after birth, Sage informs. Yes, Sharon bonded with Sully instantly. It’s not all joy – sleep, romance and routine are all out the window. Sage is glad Sharon doesn’t feel the need to tiptoe around her anymore. Sharon’s glad too.

On the patio, Chelsea updates Nick that Adam’s fallen off the face of the earth; something’s wrong. Victor’s hiding something. Nick’s sure there’s an explanation. Chelsea has a bad feeling – Victor’s holding something over Adam’s head. There’s a Newman Santori turf war going on. Adam’s your brother – please help me. I have nowhere else to turn.

In Paul’s office, Kevin votes to leave Adam kidnapped. Alone with Dylan, Kev’s asked to look into the Santori’s. Maybe Victor’s losing control of the situation. Chelsea and Connor have lost Adam too many times – Dylan wants to bring him home. Kevin’s to access Victor’s personal communications. Hack Victor!? Kevin squeaks.

Your Father wants to get rid of Marisa (Victor can relate) Luca doubts the ransom demand was from his Father. And there’s no way Luca’s letting Victor trade Marisa for Adam. Too late, Victor says.

Mr Newman would like to see you. It’s an urgent matter. Noah stands. No, Ms Sieres is to come alone. One suit stays to guard Noah, the other leads Marisa out.