Friday, December 25th

Are you and Billy getting back together? Abby declares it Santa’s magic. No, Phyllis gets credit for locking Jack and Billy in the same room. He’s trying hard to change – I owe him that chance, for the kids. Hopefully, this time, he can see it through. When Chelsea arrives, Abby takes Ben aside to gripe about Jenna trashing him to Max – no one disses my husband. Ben then leaves Jenna a message – he wants Max to be part of his wedding.

‘Same time next week’ Sharon and Dr A end their session. Inside CL’s, Mariah tells Sharon that Dr A’s overstepping – she has a crazy look in her eyes. Sharon believes she’s suspicious because of Ian Ward.

Nick chats with ‘call me Sandy’ on the patio (and relays his wonderful holiday with Sage) Dr Anderson plants the bug that Sage may have a breakdown and be her next patient.

Adam thinks it most insensitive that Sage was made to spend Christmas with Sharon’s kids – a reminder of all the Christmases and birthdays you won’t celebrate with Christian. Don’t say his name like that, Sage interrupts his tirade.

Abby’s delighted with the dress choices Chelsea’s drawn up for her – then tells Vikki and Chelsea that Jenna’s poisoning Max against him. Chelsea met her – guess she still despises Ben. He’s sacrificed and suffered enough – Jenna needs to do what’s right for Max, Abby states.

At CL’s, Ben gets a call from Jenna – Max can’t come to the wedding. I’ve respected your wishes since day one – I want him there. No, I don’t have much of a relationship with him – because YOU took him to Australia! Jenna?! Jenna!? Dylan understands that Ben’s upset – he can’t imagine someone keeping his son from him.

Adam’s sorry – I shouldn’t have talked about your son like that. Sage dries her tears – it’s OK – she’s just a mess when she hears his name. I want to be OK – I HAVE to be OK.

Still on the patio, Dr Anderson claims that Sage may have appeared OK but is playing a role – living up to what Nick wants her to be. She’s suppressing her true emotions. Spending time with Sully makes things more difficult for Sage; relieve her of expectations. Give her space to grieve. Inside, Sharon and Nick discuss Noah working for Victor (because of Marisa)

Back at NE, Victor likes that Noah’s trying to prove himself – but some sacrifices will have to be made. What kind of sacrifices? The Santori’s fight dirty – Victor relishes that and will fight dirtier. Noah’s feelings for Marisa can’t get in the way. Will she be one of those sacrifices? he wonders. Victor just wants Noah to remember that he promised to do anything he can to help his family.

Billy may not know nanobytes from gigabytes, but he knows sales and how to deliver. Yes, deliver punches, excuses, Kevin quips. Billy wants to prove that he’s sorry about Paragon, work with me – you won’t regret it. Kevin’s sorry but the hacker bailed – she’s not responding to his texts or emails. The cyber train has left the station without us. After Kevin walks off, Mariah arrives. Billy fishes for info – is this hacker girl for real?

Jenna’s never been easy to deal with but Ben always thought she’d do the right thing. You go into marriage with high hopes but so much can go wrong.