Monday, November 30th

Sharon hopes she didn’t come across as ungrateful. Dr Anderson returns – with discharge papers. She was waiting for a sign that Sharon’s strong enough to leave. She wishes Sharon, Dylan and the baby much happiness. Near tears, Sharon wishes everyone was as blessed.

Sage felt Faith was choosing Sharon’s family over theirs. Faith SHOULD be excited about being a big sister (and shouldn’t have to hide it) Ignoring Nick, Sage insists on trying to explain to Faith – who doesn’t want to hear anything she has to say. Can we go? she turns to Mariah. After they exit, Sage pouts at Nick)

Adam has Chelsea and Connor – that’s all that matters ~kiss~ Anita carries Connor in – she’s off to do some shopping (with Adam’s credit card – ha ha) Connor obediently gives Adam the star – and all gaze up at the tree – Merry Christmas.

Careful, that knife’s for cutting fish, Ian warn Victor. He can’t stop Paragon – he’s no longer in control. Victor suddenly grabs Phyllis and puts her in a deadlock. What the hell are you doing?! Ian sputters. I’M in control, Victor growls – kill Paragon or I kill your girlfriend. What’s it gonna be? Phyllis looks frightened – Ian startled.


Next: Dad basically pushed me right out of the family business, Nick tells Abby. What? she’s surprised…. You feel that way because you feel guilty? Chelsea wonders. Why would I feel guilty? Adam replies … You lied to me, Vikki snarls at Billy (as Ashley hovers)

My Thoughts: Stupid line of the day goes to Chelsea – asking Adam the most idiotic question ‘are you happy’? I guess he is – he’s just had sex AND he’s not going to prison for 10 years …. Good thing they took their nooner upstairs ….. Connor goes to ‘gym class’? Is it leg day or arm day? .. Of course Fairview has a spare room for Dylan – all of it’s mentally unstable residents are walking around free … No Patty – you don’t KNOW crazy, you ARE crazy. Ian actually did a nice thing by sending Patty off with a new name and some money (though I’m sure he was more than eager to get rid of her, it seems more in character for him to brainwash the easily manipulated Patty to piss Paul off at the very least) Are we really expected to believe that Ian would put a halt to his plan to save Phyllis? Whether or not Phyllis expected Victor to grab her, she’s an idiot for taking him along either way … Odd that PI Paul isn’t more curious as to the whereabouts of his sister. He’s way more interested in solving the Hilary mystery (which no one really wants solved) Why hasn’t Paul at least circulated flyers with Patty and Ian’s faces? … Why does Dr Anderson get to override the custody schedule between Nick and Sharon (and the courts)? How can Sharon bond with Nick and Sage’s baby with the attention-seeking Faith in her face 24/7? … Oh yeah Sage – Bruschetta is so ‘classy’… No, Faith shouldn’t have to hide her excitement from Sage. And obviously she wasn’t – until SAGE made her feel guilty about it… Why wouldn’t Victor assume that Phyllis and Billy are working on something related to Jabot – they are both executives after all .. Being even more clueless when it comes to birthin’ babies than Sharon is, Dylan probably won’t be surprised that he and Sharon can sleep together days after she’s supposedly given birth.