Friday, November 6th

In GCM’s lounge, Vikki tells Billy that Newman is in shambles (first Paragon, then the fire) She’s not sure how they’ll recover. William Abbot to the rescue – he may be the problem and the solution.

Dr Anderson thinks it now makes perfect sense – Patty was paranoid and delusional – thought Sharon was the enemy. She was trying to warn you about Sharon (her latest obsession) What happened to Patty was tragic, but she wasn’t able to harm Sharon or anyone else. Dylan agrees it’s best she not be told about the fire – but he still wants to see Sharon – make it happen or I will, he leaves Dr A to worry.

In the hallway, Abby updates Ashley that Ben’s awake – she’s relieved and grateful and relieved. Others aren’t so lucky; Paul, Nick and Sage. Be grateful for your good fortune, Ashley gives Abby a hug (to hide tears)

Billy’s idea is to give the Newman’s some of Jabot’s office space – different floors so we can’t cross paths – but close enough to monitor the Paragon threat. Vikki points out that it’s not her decision. But if she pitches it just right… Billy thinks there’s only one person who can pitch it the right way – leave it to me.

It hurts to breath, Sage is despondent. We’ll get through this together, Nick mentions the memorial (which Vikki’s planning) Our son hasn’t been gone one day and you’re ready to say good bye!? Sage doesn’t WANT Vikki’s help!! I can’t do it, she whimpers as Nick leaves the nurse to check Sage out. Outside, Nick looks worried.

Ashley drops by Ben’s room – she wants to thank him for saving her life. Why’d you lie about what I said last night? Ben asks. We thought we were dying. Yes, but Ben meant every word he said. I love you Ashley.

Hilary’s all smiles when Neil drops by. She can go home today (and that won’t be Devon) Neil will let her stay with him until she figures things out. That’s nice, but Hilary knows he’s seeing someone. Yes, Gwen. Hilary knows Neil didn’t mean to hurt her, but isn’t sure how they got to this place. How could she betray him the way she did? It’s a reality Hilary must accept.

At the club’s bar, Gwen and Devon whine to one another. Hilary can only think of her love for Neil. It must be weird for him – she wants things to go back to how they were. Well she can’t, Gwen snaps – not what after Neil and I went through to get her back to you (Devon looks baffled)

What are you doing? Sharon awakens to asks (as Dr A removes the baby bump and tip toes to the door.

Dylan takes a seat behind Nick in the chapel – anything I can do? Yes, talk about something else. How’s Sharon? Sleeping – she looked good – starting to show – he saw the ultra sound. Sorry. No, don’t, Nick tears up – you should be excited. Dylan didn’t tell Sharon they lost Christian. Nick thinks that a good idea.

Dr A put Sharon’s blanket back on – so she and the baby wouldn’t catch a chill. Yes, Sharon would like to know the sex of the baby – and see Dylan so she can tell him.

Have you ever lost a child? No – then you don’t know how hard this is for me. Get out. When Nick comes in, the Reverend explains that Vikki spoke to him about performing a service today. TODAY!? Sage yelps at Nick – you want me to bury my baby TODAY!?

Ben’s not traumatized or confused – he loves Ashley. No – you love Abby – you’ll have a long and happy life together. No, Ben wants to be with Ashley. Can SHE ‘forget’ all about it? Yes, she can. And so can you, she exits Ben’s room and blinks back tears.