Friday, October 16th

As Cane’s brought into the station in handcuffs, Devon lunges – is this true!!?? I didn’t – I swear to you! Cane says. As they go into Paul’s office, Lily tells Devon that Cane wouldn’t do this – he’s family. Family stabs you in the back, Kevin opines from behind his computer. Lily snaps at Kevin – then Devon snaps at Lily (for defending her husband)

In Paul’s office, Cane denies knowing how the money got into his gym bag. He was in GC when Hilary went missing – and with Devon when the kidnapper called. He’s been working 24/7 to try find Hilary. That doesn’t prove anything to Paul (who’s charging Cane with extortion)

Marisa finds Noah at the bar – she doesn’t want to be upstairs with Luca. You know why I’m doing this. Noah notices the ‘new bling’ and can’t help find Marisa’s daughter. You’re on your own. At least you have Luca. I love you, Marisa says. Go upstairs and put a smile on Luca’s face, Noah slurs and heads out.

Victor calls Luca – he didn’t know Marisa had a daughter. You’re using that little girl to make a deal. Luca knows Marisa will realize she still loves him. Victor doesn’t give a damn about Luca’s love life. Your job is to get Marisa out of town – got it!?

Chelsea and Adam hit the sheets.

Next: You actually think that I did this, Cane’s horrified (Lily’s silent) …. Billy’s at the penthouse to tell Chelsea – You can’t go into court and defend this guy….. Nikki and Victor sit in court as Chris whispers to Paul – she’s had a bad feeling since Adam was bailed out and thinks he’s run.

My Thoughts: What a dolt! Dylan reminds Lily that Cane let the guy who delivered the ransom note get away? Never mind that DYLAN was the one who let the kidnapper get away with the money?? …. What a stupid ‘caveat’ Victor adds when agreeing to help Noah (Marisa) – if Noah was willing to let Marisa go, he wouldn’t be groveling to Grandpa for help finding her daughter. Funny how Victor regrets bringing Marisa into Noah’s life – but NOT her druglord ex responsible for ending his fiance’s life on their wedding day. Noah’s an idiot for going to Victor instead of his Father (who can surely hire a good PI with the half a billion he has in the bank) Even Jack would be a better pick to help Marisa. I really hope Noah finds out that Victor’s still pulling strings (though it won’t matter – nothing sticks to Teflon Victor) … Weird to see Lily and Kevin sharing scene – in a police station no less (long time viewers will recall that Kevin was charged with the statutory rape of an underage Lily; whom he lured on the Internet and gave an STD to) … Why would Lily ‘trust’ Dylan’s judgment? She barely knows him – and obviously has no respect for her. Dylan’s OK acting behind Paul’s back when he says so, but couldn’t get there fast enough when he thinks he’s solved a mystery … Lauren has no business showing up at Cane’s home to screech at him with his kids trying to sleep in the next room. She should have behaved like a professional businesswoman and summoned Cane to the boutique’s office (he spends 90% of his time there anyway) … Cane hasn’t really been working 24/7 to find Hilary – he’s been sitting at the club 24/7.