Thursday, September 10th

The baby is the reason Dylan proposed, Sharon worries. No – he loves you, Mariah insists, baby or no baby. Sharon won’t put that to the test. Dylan joins them with their new hire in tow. Ester’s glad to help (with a baby on the way) As Sharon shows Ester around, Mariah prepares to pick Dylan’s ‘man brain’.

Victor drops by the tackhouse – to check on Sage (and pull a coin from behind Faith’s ear) Oh what a great big sister she’ll be – to both babies on the way. As Nick takes Faith upstairs, Sage thanks Victor for stopping by. He has something to say to her …

Victor has a feeling that Sage has heard uncomplimentary things about him – he loves to have his kids and grandkids around him because he grew up without family. He talks about protection and spoiling his grandchildren. If there’s anything you need ….. Victor then takes Nick outside to update that the Paragon Project is about to be set in motion. He needs all hands on deck. Nick can’t work – Sage needs him. He won’t hire a nurse. Saying he understands, Victor leaves.

Mariah is trying to understand men; meaning Kevin. We’re both gun-shy – he’s had painful relationships. If she lets him down, will Kevin bail on her? Would you? Not if you click – you’re in or you’re not. Unaware that he’s being tested, Dylan talks about what brought him and Sharon together – before the baby. What about the baby? Sharon appears looking panicked.

Nick and Sage debate him going back to work. Go, she encourages. The less she sees of Victor, the less stressed she’ll be.

Kevin meets Victor in his office – you were right – there was a hacker at the gates of NE. Peering at the laptop, Victor wants to know his name.

Kevin types away – this code is so simple it’s genius. The firewall prevented the hack. They gave up – Kevin does’t see signs of a breach. How about Jabot? Jack should be told. No – share nothing with Jack Abbott – not a word leaves these four walls, Victor insists.

Mariah was asking for advice on Kevin – how a man’s brain works. Yes, whether he’ll bail at the first sign of trouble. As Dylan hugs Sharon, Mariah’s glad they can tell one another anything – right? As Dylan gets back to work, Sharon gives Mariah the look before exiting.

Neil? Neil? Gwen’s puzzled to find him gone. That’s because Neil’s at GCM – sneaking into the supply closet to access the locked cabinet to fill his suitcase with medical goodies.

Neil? A confused Hilary lashes back to Neil talking of docking their boat here – a swing hanging from the tree – he’ll make her dreams come true. It’s not the house’s fault that an accident blinded him. It’s not the same dream, she’d said. Hilary tries (and fails) to get out of bed (toppling her IV stand)

Ester won’t serve Collin – he’s a sneak – I see things. What kind of things? Dylan wonders.

On the patio, Kevin updates Mariah – NE was the only place that didn’t lose power. Victor swore him to secrecy – he can’t talk about it. And? Mariah’s interested.

Nick’s in Victor’s office – to say he’s coming back to work. What changed his mind? Sage.