Monday, July 13th

Back at CL’s, Sharon finds Dylan’s concern for the baby ‘sexy’. And he appreciates her being protective of him (sending Paul to the club) Yes, it’s sexy ~kiss~

Chelsea asks Adam to consider turning himself in. No, no way – Adam has everything he wants. He won’t lose Chelsea again. He stops her from leaving. I can’t live your lie – or what you’ve done, she leaves in tears. Don’t go, Adam’s left troubled.

Next: Phyllis tells Nick – I think I know who that bullet was meant for ….. Victor – don’t ever forget our plan. Getting rid of Gabriel, Vikki says. That’s right, Victor confirms…. What’s wrong? Sage asks Chelsea (who snarls – I know the truth)

My Thoughts: Adam suffered extensive third degree burns but has no scars except for the cute little circle on his torso the bullet Billy put in him? Uncanny… With an almost straight face, Victor tells Chris that he has no motive for wanting to kill Jack – but expects her to believe that ‘Gabe’ has motive to lie because he wants Victor out of the way? Like Victor wouldn’t want Jack out of the way? (for the past 30 years?) … Adam wasn’t ‘involved’ in Delia’s death – he killed her… Dylan working for the PD? That IS funny – let’s hope that doesn’t happen … Sorry we’re closed, Dylan says as Sharon enters CL’s – why doesn’t anyone ever look up before speaking. And why doesn’t anyone lock their door or put out a ‘closed’ sign… Dylan’s concern for their baby is ‘sexy’? Glad Sharon thinks so. That’s kind of creepy … Why on earth would Joe leave the woman who just held him at gunpoint in his suite? Why isn’t Lily or Devon checking on the damage? I’m having a hard time mustering up any sympathy for Avery. On the other hand, Chelsea did a good job today. So I feel more sympathy for the woman who cried rape than the woman who actually got raped; weird. This reveal has been a long time coming. I’m not sure Chelsea can live with Adam’s lie (especially working so closely with Billy) … Victor was so smug today. He must be schizophrenic. The man who whine that he can’t live without Nikki was nowhere in sight (which isn’t all bad; he was equally nauseating) .. Really Phyllis? Jack needs to rest?! He’s been laying in bed for a week now.