Thursday, July 2nd

Feeling better, Ashley encourages Ben to go spend the holiday with Abby. He’s not eager to leave. Hearing fireworks, they step onto the front step to watch. This is perfect, Ben says – it’s so beautiful out there – even in the darkest night. Ashley forces a smile.

The Ashby’s enjoy the fireworks – and it’s so good to see the twins having fun with Uncle Devon. Cane’s so proud of Lily. She hopes he always will be.

On a blanket with Chelsea, Adam has Connor on his knee. No, he’s not nervous – what does he have to be nervous about? He looks over at Marisa (who looks over at him too) Adam is clearly nervous.

As Victor watches the fireworks from his cell, Paul joins Phyllis in Jack’s room; sorry to hear he’s in a coma again. He’ll be alright, Phyllis is sure. Paul updates that Victor confessed – he shot Jack in self defense. As the monitors begin to beep again, Phyllis panics and Paul goes to fetch help. You’re trying to tell us Victor’s lying? Wake up and tells us! she barks at Jack.

Next: In the park, Sharon whips around to confront Joe – one more step and you get a face full of mace! … In Victor’s office with Adam; Neil ain’t waiting for a life preserver to save his ass – I quit …. Lily’s upset with Avery – Paul knows I cheated on Cane!? Why would you tell him that!?

My Thoughts: Ben has some ego. Ashley’s brother is in a coma – her family business is in turmoil – why does Ben assume she’s lashing out to punish Abby? Sadly, he’s probably right. She clearly isn’t over her daughter’s boyfriend. Judging by their view of the fireworks, the Abbott Mansion is conveniently located on Chancellor Park property (as is the police station) Back to Ben and Abby, the writers don’t seem to be invested or interested in this pairing (so it’ll be no surprise that the fans echo that disinterest) … Nice that Traci was mentioned – still no good reason as to why she’s not hovering over Jack’s bed … Why would Paul tell Phyllis that Victor confessed to everything, then add that he claims it was in self defense?? Strange that Phyllis would leave Victor alone in Jack’s room. Loved how Jack’s eyes bugged out when Victor started speaking to him in Spanish … Chelsea should mind her own business regarding Noah moving on too quickly. Doesn’t she have frocks to design? No alert on Noah’s phone to let him know Grandpa’s been arrested? The media hasn’t been tipped off yet? .. How does Abby plan to ‘prove’ that her Father didn’t shoot Jack? She’s not exactly a great sleuth. She didn’t even know who knocked her out in the park… Won’t Neil be happy to hear his beloved daughter is cozying up to Devon and Hilary? … For a designer of such ‘sheek’ fashions, Chelsea’s outfit was quite unflattering (and her bra strap was twisted. Meow) She always looks so orange when holding Connor.