Wednesday, July 1st

Ashley and Chelsea are seated in Victor’s office – perhaps this meeting should wait since Kyle, Billy and Neil couldn’t make it (and out of respect for Jack, your partner) When Gabe arrives, Victor announces that he’s decided to step away from the company and to appoint a new CEO. It’s not Vikki (as Ashley assumes); it’s Jack’s son Gabriel.

Are we handing out T-shirts to patrons now? No, Marisa’s wearing an Underground T-shirt because Noah hired her. Sage and Nick are pleased to welcome her aboard. Aside, Nick tells Noah that he’s staying away from Victor and wants him and Summer to do the same (steer clear of this mess)

Back at the station, Mariah’s not so sure that Jack’s murder is connected to Austin and Courtney’s. Kevin reminds that Austin had footage of Jack on his laptop – and Courtney found something when checking the park cameras. Jack’s the killer, of he confronted the killer and got shot. Kevin’s sure it all revolves around Jack.

Phyllis wonders what Jack saw in the park – this never should have happened. Paul arrives to update that the gun from Victor’s office wasn’t used to shoot Jack (but that doesn’t mean he didn’t use a different gun)


Victor tells Ashley that he and Jack met in the park to discuss giving Gabe more power. Adam’s sure he can work with Ashley (who then asks him and Chelsea to leave) She asks Victor how Vikki feels about being shoved aside. Victor thinks it absurd that he’s being ‘blackmailed’. Gabe saw you shoot Jack didn’t he!? Ashley guesses correctly.

Noah thinks his Dad’s jumping the gun here – Grandpa hasn’t been charged. Nick doesn’t want Noah anywhere near this toxic decision – he could very well have shot Jack. There’s red flags everywhere. Noah reminds that everyone thought his Mom was guilty of murder too. Nick’s trying to save his son heartache. Noah knows heartache, he lost his fiance. Nick knows Victor’s gotten away with a lot – he won’t get away with this.

Paul’s gut tells him Victor was involved, and agrees that Jack doesn’t deserve to be lying in a hospital bed. Phyllis will hold him to his word (to find out who shot Jack)

Back at NE, Victor thinks it time to end the conversation. Ashley demands to know what Victor and Jack talked about at the park – he’s my brother. He’s not your brother, Victor reminds. Don’t pull that DNA crap on me, Ashley hisses. Victor claims that Jack is no longer the person he knew him to be. I have no idea what happened. I have nothing to do with it. Ashley shoves stuff off his desk and slams out (leaving Victor to flashback to shooting Jack)

At the penthouse, Chelsea can’t believe Adam’s been made CEO of Newman-Abbott. He’s surprised too – and promises to do Jack proud. He WILL wake up. Chelsea thinks the new job will be hell – you made a deal with the devil (and he’ll have the Abbott’s and Vikki to deal with) Adam wants to strike while Victor’s vulnerable. Chelsea again sees Adam in his eyes (and determination to bring Victor down)